Musings from a Tropical Paradise

An uncanny knack for self preservation is discovered by the canny manipulation of the mind and the imagination.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Makes perfect they say, but they are wrong. It is really perfect practice that makes perfect. If you dont do something perfect when you are practising, how would it ever be perfect when you do it for real?

So this is practice. Or practise. Actually, it is both. The temptation to type, "Neat, huh," was present, but yielding to it was avoided because it would appear to be an act of teen propriety that would have given a way a lust for lost youth.

When you are young, you think about being older a lot. Actually, you think about the advantages of being older almost all the time. When you are trying to buy cigarettes for that uncle, when you are looking forward to the age at which you will be allowed to watch late night television and go to school the next day, or when you feel a tinge of guilt when you click on that button that says "I am 18." When you are old, you think about being young, but only when something bad happens - when you twist an ankle and it takes you a year to recover, when you climb a flight of stairs and it takes you a minute to recover your breath. You never think about how much older you are than 18 when you click on that button that says "I am 18."

But when you are neither young nor old, what do you think about?